Welcome to Legless Games!

Welcome to Legless Games! | Get Legless

 What could be better than playing a daring drinking game with your friends?

Exactly, nothing.

Housemates Alistair Moss, 22, Lily Brown, 22, and Tom Doherty, 22, started their own business during lockdown. From sitting in the living room thinking of funny dares, to hosting livestreams, making it on Amazon’s bestseller list, and selling out of stock, they sure know what the people want.

The original game was drafted by the group on cut out pieces of paper so they could play it between themselves in lockdown. Little did they know that the fun dares they made would be such a hit.

Legless Games released their first game Let’s Get Legless in July 2021 which was advertised as “the greatest student icebreaker”. Extension pack Let’s Get Legless Part 2 was also put up for grabs alongside naughty drinking game Kinkies Get Legless in September 2021. After the success of the three games, Families Get Legless quickly followed. Perfect if you enjoy a drink or two with your relatives.

In a matter of months, Legless Games went global.

The three housemates have managed to juggle the launch of a new business alongside their university commitments. Tom and Alistair are currently studying MSc International Sports Business Management, and Lily is studying MA Education.

Whilst Lily prides herself on helping others “create unforgettable memories,”, Alistair loved to share that “it’s great to be your own boss,”. Honestly, that’s something we all wish for.

Each pack is sold for £9.99 on both their website and on Amazon, offering free shipping on orders over a certain amount. 

There are two ways to play the games. You can either complete the dare and give out the stated number of drinks to a player of your choice or refuse the dare and drink the amount on the card!

If you’re hard core (which we hope you are), each cup symbol on the card represents a shot. Or if you are just a beginner and don’t want to get too legless, then one symbol would represent one sip of your drink.

In Summer 2022, the students expect to release three more games. These include the highly anticipated ‘Kinkies Get Legless Part 2’ as well as brand new ‘Girls Get Legless’ and ‘Freshers Get Legless’.

Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve already got my tequila shots ready because these dares will be something else.

Imagine running your own successful business with your friends…what a dream. Tom loves “how fun it is,” and we must agree. Nothing beats getting “legless” with your friends.

Lily’s favourite pack is Families Get Legless, Alistair’s favourite is Let’s Get Legless, and Tom’s favourite is Kinkies Get Legless. Good job part 2 is on the way!

Whilst you’re on the website, why don’t you have a look at the games up for grabs.

Written By: Holly Townsend


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